Thursday, September 30, 2010

Five people who mean a lot (in no order whatsoever)

1. Bryan
2. Sisters
3. parents
4. grandparents
5. do cats count?

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Six things you want to do before you die.

1. Go to Bora Bora and stay in one of those cool huts
2. Swim in an infinite pool
3. Be completely happy with my life and what I have accomplished
4. No regrets
5. Make perfect sweet tea
6. Own a house

Monday, September 27, 2010

Seven things that cross your mind a lot.

1. What will my children be like
2. What would it be like to have a ton of money
3. Will I be successful
4. Should I have majored in something different in college
5. Why is Lindsay Lohan so stupid
6. Kudzu and Ben
7. Why does Bryan love me so much even when I am mean to him

Eight ways to win my heart

1. Tell me I am pretty
2. Be soft and fluffy
3. Buy me something nice
4. Feed me
5. Play with my hair
6. Let me lay in bed and watch tv
7. tell me you love me
8. Did I say tell me I am pretty?

Friday, September 24, 2010

Nine things you want to say to nine people

Since I will be in Tahoe tomorrow, I will blog Day Two today

1. Bryan - I love you!
2. Momma and Daddy- Thank you!
3. Kristen- having you out here this summer was fun!
4. Jamie- You Rusty, and Ansley need to come visit SF!
5. Jackie- This is really hard. I wish I hadn't have seen this idea on your blog. :)
6. EMC, Angela, and Margaret, Wish we could go back to college!
7. NO need to mention names----You are an evil person
8. If you need to go up a size do it!
9. Rachel Zoe you are Bananas

Ten Things About Myself

1. I have 2 cats. Benjamin J. Catfishire, Earl of Fluffydum and Kudzu.
2. My cat Kudzu has magical powers.
2. I was married at the young age of 23.
3. I worked at Win Dixie in college.
4. I rode public transportation for the first time ever on my honeymoon, now I ride it everyday.
5. I am the middle of 3 girls
6. My first job was at a pet shop called Pets America. On my 16th birthday, they gave me a parrot. She passed away yesterday. RIP Baby.
7. I will watch the Notebook, Steel Magnolia, or Dirt Dancing whenever one of them is on.
8. My favorite things to do are lay in bed and watch tv or lay by a pool.
9. I like to cook.
10.I lived in Alabama until I was 23. I have since lived in PA, FL, and CA. I will always be a Southern Belle at heart.

30 Days of Blogging

Thanks for the inspiration Ratty! I am going to try the 30 day blogging challenge.

  • Day One: Ten things about yourself.
  • Day Two: Nine things you want to say to nine people.
  • Day Three: Eight ways to win your heart.
  • Day Four: Seven things that cross your mind a lot.
  • Day Five: Six things you want to do before you die.
  • Day Six: Five people who mean a lot (in no order whatsoever)
  • Day Seven: Four turn ons.
  • Day Eight: Three turn offs.
  • Day Nine: Two things/people you miss.
  • Day Ten: One guilty pleasure.
  • Day Eleven: A photo that makes you happy.
  • Day Twelve: Favorite movie based on a book/comic/etc.
  • Day Thirteen: A YouTube video.
  • Day Fourteen: A song that makes you cry.
  • Day Fifteen: A picture of what you wore today.
  • Day Sixteen: Your crush.
  • Day Seventeen: Your best friend.
  • Day Eighteen: A movie that makes you really happy.
  • Day Nineteen: A movie that makes you sad .
  • Day Twenty: Songs you listen to when you are happy, sad, bored, hyped, and mad.
  • Day Twenty-one: Your favorite quote.
  • Day Twenty-two: What I would find in your bag?
  • Day Twenty-three: If you could tell your seven year old self anything, what would it be?
  • Day Twenty-four: Five books you would recommend.
  • Day Twenty-five: Favorite fruit.
  • Day Twenty-six: Describe a daily ritual.
  • Day Twenty-seven: A picture of somewhere you’ve been to.
  • Day Twenty-eight: Your top 10 pet peeves.
  • Day Twenty-nine: What did you eat today?
  • Day Thirty: Something that inspires you.

Tuesday, September 21, 2010